Posted by Thuggee Bear from on October 26, 1999 at 20:13:27:
After spending a good 15-20 minutes to pick out "the perfect one" from the rack of Indy box sets, and then a good 20 to meticulously inspect them at home, I must say they are very nice. In fact, during the time I spent looking at them, several people (none of whom looked like they had watched them anytime recently), stopped what they were doing to inspect them with interest.
Although, the store I went to didn't have the Widescreen, so it looks like I'll end up getting both anyway. The only Young Indy I was going to get today was Mystery of the Blues, but I didn't see it either. Did anyone else find it anywhere?
Speaking of that episode, I noticed that Al Capone is in it. Is it consistent with the events in The Genesis Deluge?
PS. Looking at all the Young Indy material, I'm curious: Which do you consider to be the better product- Young Indy or the novels?
"Sir, you will have to leave the store now." -store manager (after my attempt to sit on the shelf and talk with Indy)