Posted by Martin Kulp from on October 31, 1999 at 13:12:49:
In Reply to: Re: Young Indiana Jones posted by Chaz on October 30, 1999 at 13:14:31:
You are stupid and blind. Those black people were all like "Yo homie ioonga noobie bung bunga zeep zeep bunga". Tell me that's not some kind of gansta ebonics!
: WHAT?! what are you guys talking about? Urban Slang?! Are you guys on drugs or something? While viewing this episode (a great one in my opinon) i didnt notice one bit of slang or anything like that. They didn't talk in ebonics, they talked in a native language. And in regards to Indy giving up, this sort of bothered me, but it sort of improves Indy's character. Amd it also makes me wonder whatever became of the diamond.
: - Chaz
: : I really didn't mind the packaging. That's a marketting strategy and I think it does bring them all under a cohesive structure this way. It honors the Young Indy series as part of the mainstream. I also liked Adrian Edmonson in the episode and think you are seeing things in his performance that weren't there simply because you're used to him as another character. As for the natives speaking in ebonics and acting out Boys N Da Hood, that bothered me too. Thank goodness they had the integrity not to have them start rapping and slamming out gangsta slogans. Not really appropriate for the South Pacific in 1919. After such a wonderful and compassionate portrait in Ogana The Giver and Taker of Life, I was shocked at this blatant portrait of black people in Peacock's Eye. The urban slang gibberish was offensive.
: : : What the heck is with that episode of Young Indiana Jones that comes with the movie package? It's called Treasure of the Peacock's Eye. The main villian is Adrian Edmonson of the Young Ones and Dangerous Brothers. He's all like "You are Indiana Dangerous and I am Sir Adrian Dangerous and we are... The Dangerous Brotheirs". What? Whatever happened to cool villians like Belloq? And why are there black people speaking ebonics? And why does that boat of these self same black people float up, kill a kid, and float away? Is this supposed to be the world's first drive-by? Did Spike Lee write this? Indy Gump N Da Hood? Then, when the fat guy wants to persist in finding the diamond, Indy acts all mature and whimps out. This is Indy? This is "Don't call me Junior?" What? Do you guys like this tripe? And why does Captain Revisionsist George Lucas have to go and package the orininal master piece as "INDIANA JONES AND the Raiders of the Lost Ark" and call it "Episode 24" or whatever. This is crud.