Posted by Thuggee Bear from on November 01, 1999 at 20:52:54:
In Reply to: A Personal Attack On Rob T. posted by Thuggee Bear on November 01, 1999 at 20:44:36:
: No, I'm kidding, this is not a personal attack on Rob T.
: (Actually, I like reading his posts, a few of which are somewhat responsible for this post...hence the bad joke title.)
: After reading recent posts about whether or not this sequel or that sequel is up to the same level as Raiders, or why they're not, I found myself puzzling over something.
: 1. Of course Raiders is going to be the better film, that's why the sequels exist in the first place. If people didn't love it, why bother making more? (hint to Godzilla 2 makers)
: But I think we all agree on that, anyway.
: 2. Adam pointed out that just because we're fans, it doesn't mean we have to accept everything. I agree with that too, and as a result, I never got into Young Indy. I never cared to see a small child or an old man playing Indy, and I wasn't too sure about the historical figure angle. What really ruined it for me, though, was thinking about how they could've been using all the time and energy to make Indy IV. (Oh well, now that they're on video maybe I'll give them a second chance.)
: BUT...
: Indy, something troubles me..."
: I can understand only liking Raiders without anything else, (the sequels, tv shows, comics, books, Indy garb, etc.). What I don't understand is how people who only like Raiders can spend so much time on an Indy web board. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy reading your posts, I just don't see how you can devote so much time to it. I can think of several other great films, (Star Wars for example), that I'm a fan of, but I don't spend any time chatting about them online.
: I would think you would just have to be really enamored with the character of Indy to spend so much time hanging out here. Unfortunately, Indy really didn't start to become fleshed out with a lot of characterization until the sequels. Sure, Raiders' does a great job with creating his character, (the prologue alone tells us a surprising amount about him), but he's not as defined as in the sequels.
: In some ways, he is still in the design stage, such as when we get hints that Indy is a darker character, (through his interactions with Belloq). Perhaps it's the fact that he's more open to interpretation in Raiders that is the appeal, but I still can't see that as justifying a daily trip here.
: I think it would be interesting to hear what does keep the Raiders-only posters' attention here, or what fascinates them about Indy enough to keep them coming back. (Hell, maybe it's just an on-the-job diversion! Now that I can understand easily!)
: Again, this is not an attack on anyone's opinion, (although I know some jackass will take it the wrong way!), but rather a simple curiosity.
: PS. Hope you didn't mind the title, Rob T., but I figured you wouldn't be as easily offended as someone else, especially after being called the most diabolical of all insults- "dickweed". (Geez.)