Posted by Indiana Joe from on November 10, 1999 at 23:19:39:
In Reply to: Re: You LIKE him?!!! posted by Dirk Pitt on November 10, 1999 at 22:23:31:
: Jar Jar Binks is a sad example of Lucas's infatuation with technology getting the better of him. It's certainly impressive that he was able to insert a completely CGI character. But just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do it. Unfortunately, Jar Jar was completely superfluous to the story. Rather than providing comic relief, his presence simply annoying; it took away from the story and was inconsistent with its tone.
I’m more inclined to think Jar Jar Binks is a largely entertaining but somewhat grating example of Lucas’s infatuation with comic-relief characters getting the better part of his attentions. I do think JJB was done with CGI largely because he could, but being CGI doesn’t make him an objectionable character in and of itself. I simply don’t agree that he was COMPLETELY superfluous to the story, although I will allow that his screen time could have been significantly trimmed without harming the film - possibly improving it, in fact.
: What the movie needed was the witty reality-check that Han Solo provides. Instead, we got Jar Jar's lame attempt at slapstick, in a manner to which few could relate (I fail to find his malapropisms amusing). There was a collective groan when "many" of us discovered that Jar Jar will be even more unnecessarily inserted into the second episode. I can't wait.
The film had enough reality-check in its more serious lead characters (Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Amidala). I must admit, I could have done with less of his “slapstick”, but I found that those parts didn’t stand out so much on repeat viewings - instead, the Jar Jar scenes I focused on in my later viewings were the more subdued moments, as when he and Amidala are voicing their concerns to one another in Palpatine’s quarters on Coruscant. As for his return in Episode II, at least wait until we learn just what happens with him in the film. It’s entirely possible Lucas gave Jar Jar such a significant role in this film because the character is pivotal in the next chapter(s). Who’s to say that after ten years of hanging around Very Serious Jedi and Naboo Rulers, he doesn’t become a more disciplined, capable individual?
I’ve been mulling over the idea - purely speculative, of course - that the character might evolve and grow with age over the course of the films, until he’s this strong, charismatic character liked even by those audience members who hate him now - only to be killed off THEN, just when it will bother everybody. Mind you, I don’t really think that’s what’s going to happen - but presumably there’s SOME reason why so many of the Episode I characters aren’t around by Episodes IV, V, and VI, and we already know at least one or two of them will be dead by that time.
Don’t get me wrong - I certainly don’t love Jar Jar the way I do many of the other characters (most of the main ones from the previously existing films, for example), nor do I maintain that the film is perfect - there are things about it that bother me a great deal, including some of Jar Jar’s bits. I’m just saying he didn’t ruin the movie for me, and that I largely enjoy the character. Honestly, Jar Jar Binks doesn’t bother me as much as some of the reactions to him.
And yes, I know multiple other people who feel the same way.
: -- Dirk
: : So do many.
: : - IJ
: : : I like him.
: : : - IJ
: : : : Jar Jar Binks.