Re: What was done with the 'Raiders' Jacket?

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Posted by Stephen from on June 01, 1998 at 05:08:41:

In Reply to: What was done with the 'Raiders' Jacket? posted by Max Schulte on May 31, 1998 at 06:49:33:

: OK, I have my Wested jacket now for quite a while but there are still some things that I'm unsure about concerning the authencity:

: 1. In Raiders the jacket is really dark brown, nearly black. However, the jacket that is currently made at Wested is brown and in bright daylight you can see that it is lighter than the jacket used in the movie.

: 2. The jacket made by Wested nowadays has a nice brass zipper but the 'original' zipper appears to be silver.

: 3. The adjustable leather straps at the sides seem to be different as well. The Wested I have has these brass D-rings. However, in the truck scenes in 'Raiders' the leather straps look quite strange. Maybe there was some kind of buckle attached to the jacket or the straps were adjusted in an unusual way. You have a good view when Indy is hanging on the hood of the truck shortly before he slides under it and is dragged behind it.

: Has anyone answers to these questions? I'd appreciate any help...

: Regards,
: -Max

I have done a great deal of photography and believe the differences
you describe above are probably due to the difficulty of film to
capture color in exactly the same way as do our eyes. No matter how
good the photographic equipment the technical expertise of the lab,
you will likely get some differences in color between what is on film
and what is real. If you look at the jacket in different shots, you
will see the color looks different depending on the lighting used as

In addition, Peter indicates several jackets were used in each film
and the color of the dyed leather is likely to have some slight color
variations anyway.

Hope this helps.


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