Posted by Short Round from on November 11, 1999 at 05:55:57:
In Reply to: Here's way more... posted by Short Round on November 11, 1999 at 05:52:16:
I went to and copied and pasted that thing about the actors in SW and Indy and I accidently got the whole thing. it was supposed to actually be this:
Harris on Ford - Indiana Jones and Han Solo
Anthony Daniels - in Young Indiana Jones and C-3PO
Benedict Taylor - Sixtus in Young Indy and Naboo Pilot in TPM
Ian McDiarmid - Young Indy's Uncle and Palpatine
Julian Glover - Donovan in Last Crusade and General Veers
Michael Sheard - Hitler in Last Crusade and Admiral Ozzel
Julie Eccles - Irene in Last Crusade and Jan Ors in Dark Forces and Rebel Assault II Video Games.
William Hootkins - Major Eaton in Raiders and Porkins in ANH
Pernilla August - Princess Sophie's nanny, Emillie, in the Vienna 1908 Episode of Young Undy and Shmi Skywalker in TPM
These lines sound familiar:
INDY: Who says I didn't?
MARION: I did.
HAN: Who says I didn't but I ain't crazy.
And on the beginning of Raiders, Jock's plane says OB-3PO, and of course you know everyone's favorite droid's were in the Well of Souls, then at the end when Indy is holding the bazooka at ol' Beloosh(hehe)that's actually where Beggar's Canyon was filmed and it was also where the sand people fired at the podracer's on TPM. On ToD everyone knows the club on the beginning is called Club Obi-Wan. *gasp* whew, that was enough for me, hehe... See ya, Shorty.
"Get in there you big furry oaf I don't care whatcha smell!" -Han, ANH.