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Posted by Mack from sdn-ts-003txaustP13.dialsprint.net on June 01, 1998 at 23:30:26:

I've always lived my life in best and worst case scenerios. Right now, the worst case scenerio is "no Indy 4." The interview on the Rosie show would seem to confirm this, but let's not get to hastey on making a judgement, KEN. There are still to many things about Indy 4 left unanswered. Just because a script isn't worked out yet, that doesn't mean that they aren't planning to do the movie at all. It could still go both ways. But, in light of this new info, we must all prepare for the worst. Perhaps Indy 4 might not happen.

Mack- One Who Is Sorrowly Disappointed

P.S. I would love to sign a collective letter to LucasFilm stating our want and need to do another Indy film. I would gladly submit my real name to the cause. All we need is for someone to set the whole thing up (Micah) and see it through.

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