Posted by Phil Colvin from on June 02, 1998 at 11:03:19:
In Reply to: Re: Harrison on Rosie: Indy 4 is OFFICIALLY DEAD and I think even Micah knows that now posted by Michaelson on June 02, 1998 at 08:19:07:
: : Ken, I can tell by the above that you're pretty upset, and I don't plan to say anything regarding this. Just remember that Shakespeare even wrote in a play many years ago "Me thinks he protests to much!", or words to that effect. Just remember, the more someone or group keeps stirring the dust, and yet claims nothing is going on, the more suspect the "non" activities are to me. There are as many pros as there are cons to this problem, and if I were Ford, and didn't want to let the cat out of the bag, I sure as the dickens wouldn't have said on national TV that I was working on a project. Let's face it, the contoversy goes on. He's willing, but claims no script, when there have been sources to the contrary for the same period of time, 5 years? And yes, HE'S Indy, but let's face it, he's also the actor, not the producer, writer, director, or owner of Paramont Studios. He doesn't have the permission to say anything contrary to the business operations of the company, regardless of who he has become. He is still an employee of the company, regardless of how well paid or thought of. So Ken, don't get to hot. There's just to much activity otherwise to believe there isn't something going on, somewhere, somehow. Lucasarts has introduced a new game, there's discussion on the web and in the fan magazines. Galoob has been mentioned in several texts of already having the toy rights to the fourth movie. Wested Leather, of our own experience, is doing a booming business globally in Indy related products. The interest is there, and Paramont and company like money. Just sit back and see what may happen. The most fun of the movie business is the dis-information part of the equation! The trick is not to swallow everything you hear. There's always a grain of truth somewhere in the statements. Regards. Michaelson : Michaelson, But I agree that I don't think it's out of the window. As I'm in the UK, the only one of the interviews I've seen was the Spielberg one in Febuary where he talked about Indy IV without much prompting. What is similiar about all the statements is that everyone invovled is interested, but they're either (A) Waiting for scripts or (B) Waiting for all the others to become free. As George Lucas is currently tied up with the new Star Wars films, I don't expect to even think about Indy IV until at least the first one is out (remember the effect directing Star Wars had on him last time, I don't think he'll take anything on until it's wrapped.) The new game may be a 'false lead' (after all, Fate of Atlantis didn't produce anything at the time) but I totally agree with Micah that the primary thing is that there is interest. Now if Spielberg, Ford or Lucas says they aren't interested, then I'll loose all hope. But until then, I'm prepared to play a waiting game. Phil. P.S. Micah, that quote is "The lady doth protest too much" when the Queen is watching a play in 'Hamlet'....But I see where you're coming from :)
: I always go out of my way to read your posts because they always tell the truth in any matter. Thank You,
: G.J.R.
Well, I think the only thing which is (fairly) certain is that the movie obviously isn't beign done at the moment, otherwise Harrison would obviously have said something different.