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Posted by Indiana Jones from dialup-214.vegas.net on June 02, 1998 at 17:50:55:
In Reply to: Re: Harrison on Rosie: Indy 4 is OFFICIALLY DEAD and I think even Micah knows that now posted by Ellen on June 01, 1998 at 19:55:09:
: : Well as most of u probably know by now Harrison was on Rosie this morning and stated that there hasn't been a scipt for about 5 to 6 years. I am not the kind of person to say I told u all so, but I knew this was going to happen. I am going on the record and saying that Indy 4 is DEAD. And don't anyone tell me that Lucasfilm is just trying to mislead us. If Indy 4 was going to happen within the next 2 years Harrison Ford would of said so on Rosie today. I would like to thank the following people who basically lied to us over the past year: Harrison Ford who stated on numerous programs that "..it's just a matter of scheduling." Steven Spielberg who stated on "Film Review '98" that ..."there will be another Indiana Jones. We r just sorting out a few ideas right now". Rick McCallum who stated in a interview from last year which I know all of u remeber, "We have a GREAT SCRIPT for Indy 4. It will be out in the year 2000 at the latest". George Lucas who stated at the SW press conference last July, "We r working on a script right now and it's just a matter of scheduling". We put r hopes of another Indy installment in those guys hands and look what they did to us. I wouldn't been as pissed off if they said from the beginning that they didn't have a scipt, But no, what do they do? They all LIED!
: : Also, don't anyone tell me that there is still hope. Even if a script did turn up within the next year that they all agreed on, do u know how many rewrites it would take before they r all totally satisfied? Too long!!! By that time SW3 will be out and Harrison will be 63. To be honest, I think Micah shouldn't even bother with "The Latest" section of the site anymore. What's the point? And u know what, I think Micah is probably thinking about that as well. Remeber, I am just as upset as the rest of u that there won't be another Indy film. I just wished we weren't screwed over.
: : -KEN-
: Sir,
: Since it appears you are a big fan of Indiana Jones, I need your assistance.
: I am looking for a I.J. poster to be used is a play in two weeks. Can
: you help by suggesting some place where I can purchase one.
: Thanks,
: goldmail@spitbubble.wanet.com
I have at least two Indiana Jones poster that used to hang on my walls that I got from Disneyland. I know it won't help you if you don't live in California and even if you did, it wouldn't make that much sense to wait in line, pay to go inside, and go over to the Indiana Jones Ride gift shop to buy one. If you live in Florida, try Disneyworld. It might not be very much to go on, but that's the best I can do.
If that doesn't help, you might want to e-mail the guy who maintain's this whole webpage and forum, Micah, about information on the poster. He might be able to help.
Good luck on your play.