Re: Did Anyone Hear Spielberg's Indy Comment on T.V.?

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Posted by Michaelson from on November 22, 1999 at 16:50:44:

In Reply to: Did Anyone Hear Spielberg's Indy Comment on T.V.? posted by Major Paul on November 22, 1999 at 16:16:31:

: Hmmm, I've been scanning the past few days worth of posts and I know the participants at this forum are very good at pulling out golden nuggets of information from the dirt pile... Didn't anyone see the short segment on "Entertainment Tonight" last week about Spielberg being interviewed on the Martin Short show? I find it hard to believe that none of you guys saw it. The segment was about how this was the first time Spielberg had been on a talk show since he directed "Jaws". Anyways, the best part was after the talk show taping. As he was walking behind camera with Martin Short, Speilberg was asked about the status of Indy IV. He responded point blank to the camera, "We are ready to do it but we have to do it soon because Harrison says he's only got four or five more years in him to do an action movie." I was blown away - straight out of his mouth about Indy IV. C'mon, didn't anyone see this last week? - MP

Apparently not, Major, but then no one else saw the ET program where Lucas pretty much said the same thing except me. It was picked up and repeated by other news type services the next day. Let's face it, that show can be on pretty late at night. The program I caught the Lucas tidbit on was shown at about 1 a.m. I appreciate you posting this, as I did see a posting where it was supposed to happen, but lost track of it. Regards. Michaelson

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