Re: Top 5 reasons Indy 4 will never get made

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Posted by Be, friend of Indy from on June 06, 1998 at 11:55:53:

In Reply to: Top 5 reasons Indy 4 will never get made posted by Nightmarish on December 20, 1997 at 07:55:15:

: 1. Harrison Ford is older than Grandpa
: 2. Lucas doesn't need the money
: 3. Spielberg and Ford cost too much
: 4. No one, except internet geeks (mostly faggots from what I can see), give a rat's ass about another Indy film
: 5. Finally, it is better to retire a film franchise because you want to and not because you have to.

Hey! Who you callin' an internet GEEK? Sure, I'm on the internet a lot, but I ain't no geek! And "Don't you forget it!"

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