Posted by Michaelson from on December 01, 1999 at 16:14:53:
In Reply to: Re: Hide vs. Skin posted by Ahh... on December 01, 1999 at 12:58:52:
: : :
: : : : : ok never mind i just realized what the difference is between the skin and hide, but now i just need to know what the one harrison ford wore, thanks
: : : : According to Peter at Wested, lambskin. Regards. Michaelson
: : : I asked Peter specifically "were the jackets lambhide or lambskin?" He told me they were lambskin and that there was no such thing as lambhide. Rather, "Hide" is the generic term, and lambskin is a type of hide.
: : : Now I'm as confused about this as you guys!...
: : : Cheers,
: : : Abner
: : Not to dispute with Peter, but leather makers do indeed separate the difference between the two, that being basically the age of the animal which impacts the outcome of the tanned hide. Like I've said before, we have two tanneries located within 7 miles of where I'm sitting, and that came directly from their customer/marketing rep. Regards. Michaelson
: I see. Thanks. So does Wested offer a "lamb hide" version? Several people's posts seem to indicate that they do but I wonder if these posts referring to "hide" jackets are just referring to the pre-distressed or cowhide versions, which are the only "hide" versions of the jacket I'm aware of, according to what Peter told me.
: Cheers,
: Abner
I guess what we're actually needing clarification to is what exactly is the hide he uses for the distressed jackets. The difference between the lamb skin standard non-distressed jacket and the distressed jacket are as different as night and day in appearance and physical weight. The distressed hide version is much heavier. The industry declared separation between hide and skin in the lamb may also be a practice of US tanneries too, as there could be a possibility that Europe doesn't recognize it as having a difference in product, and therefore sells both as being the same leather. That could explain the reports we occationally hear of differences in leathers in jackets. Interesting. I believe it was Patterson who had the original discussion with Peter a while back regarding the distressed lamb hide version (correct me if I'm worng, Patterson), so we need to back up and punt. What hide is actually being used for the distressed jackets? Regards. Michaelson