Posted by Short Round from on December 06, 1999 at 16:58:50:
In Reply to: Similar Sound Effects used in Star Wars and Indy... posted by Brett (Maverick) Lambert on December 06, 1999 at 15:18:47:
Well I remember the canned scream also being on Swamp Thing when he throws a guy off the boat. And I think I know what you're talking about with the explosion. Like a short whistle kind of sound similar to when they fire a laser. Like a high frequency quick howl also similar to the tie fighter sound. I notice this sometimes. And that high frequency sound also happens on lightsaber battles and gunfights. Like on LC when Indy was chasing the tank, he fires a few times and the last one he fires hits the tank and that sound you hear is the same way. And on the lightsaber battle at the end of TPM when Maul and Kenobi are dueling it out, Obi deflects a back attack by just putting the lightsaber behind him and it makes that same noise that the last bullet shot did on LC. He uses that on the gunfight and the lightsaber battles when there's a brief pause. Like on LC it goes like "1, 2, 3... 4." and on TPM the count is like "1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5." You know, a slight pause and then the high frequency sound. See ya, Shorty.
"That's the sound of a thousand terrible things heading this way!" -Qui Gon, TPM.