Posted by Brian K. from on December 07, 1999 at 14:38:20:
In Reply to: Re: Hey U SOB posted by Whil Wheaton on December 07, 1999 at 13:01:23:
: The Mummy was not a rip-off of an old film. It was an original story idea. Too bad Lucas, Spielberg and Kasdan aren't half the geniuses that the guys who made the Mummy are. You guys are just mad because the Indy Jones era is long gone. The Mummy is the new word in adventure films.
Hmmm...let's see...I believe the response of the good Dr. Jones would be "Now, you're getting nasty..." Where will you find a movie so close to the Mummy's level? Try the local sewer.
It figures that such a comment meant mearely to be inflamatory would come from the mind of a person who takes the nick of Wil Wheaton, aka Weasley Crusher the annoying wonderbrat. Indiana Jones may be old, but Star Wars, Star Trek, 2001: SO, and myriad of other films are even older and still quite popular. Why do you think people still rever classic actors, years or even decades after they've DIED!?!?! The old films may not have the special effects or the big budget of today's blockbusters, but does that deminish the value of those works? You may think that the Mummy is the greatest thing since man walked upright on this planet, but you can't appreciate where you are if you can't appreciate where you've been. Enjoy the Mummy for what it is, enjoy Indiana Jones for what it is as well. I ask you, however, to stop and think for a second when you watch either of these films:
What do you think Indiana Jones would look like if it were made today? Would it be any different? Likewise, how would the Mummy be different if it were made today? To get a flavor of what I mean, just consider how Star Wars changed from its original to the special edition version. Technology, and therefore special effects are merely a factor of when a movie is made. I therefore submit to you that it is unfiar to judge movies made many years apart on this basis. Strip all that away and you are left with a story. At that point, I also submit that there are 3 people that really matter on this level: the Director, the Actor, and the Writer. Which team did the best job?
Brian K.