Posted by Brian K. from on December 07, 1999 at 18:47:21:
In Reply to: Re: Perhaps I'm Reading too much into this.... posted by Doktor Jones on December 07, 1999 at 18:32:47:
: : ...but I couldn't help but wonder...
: : If Harrison Ford is allowing his bullwhip to auction off at Christie's, is this a sign that he has no more interest in portraying the character? He did say in an interview that before he played Indy on the screen he had to get lessons on using the thing so he'd look convincing with it, and had to spend a couple weeks loosening up with it before going back for Last Crusade.
: : I still think the whip belongs in the Smithsonian with the jacket and hat. Unfortunately I don't have 7000 pounds to drop to see that happen. ( I could barely scrounge up $250 for the I'm going to order from Wested ....hahaha :)
: : Brian K.
: Why not all true-blooded Indy fans pool up something to get the whip, and donate it to the Smithsonian Institution to be placed beside the fedora. -- just a thought.
: After all, Raiders of the Lost Ark was among the films selected by the Library of Congress to be "culturally, historically and aesthetically" significant film in this century to be preserved for all time. **(and NOT with Matrix or the Mummy!!! - please note)
: The whip should also go to the museum as well, instead of some private collector's hands.
: just my 2 cents worth.
: -Doktor Jones
I like the idea. I'd contribute something...couldn't afford too much though. Somehow, I don't know if it'd fly. Do you really think enough people would want to donate? Even if we got 1000 people to contribute, you're still talking 70 pounds ( what's that, like $100? ) each...I dunno...
Brian K.