Posted by Anejo Joe from on December 17, 1999 at 10:24:05:
In Reply to: A young Indy opinion posted by GCR on December 16, 1999 at 22:03:40:
: : There's been some talk on this forum about who makes a better Young Indy, River Phoenix or Sean Patrick Flannery. I don't have an opinion about this one way or the other. My question is this.
: : For those who think River Phoenix is the better Indy, do you think it's because he's a better actor than Flannery? Or do you think his portrayal benefits from the fact that he's worked with Harrison Ford in the past? Phoenix played Harrison's son in "Mosquito Coast."
: I personally liked both of them, and think both are (or were in Phoenix's case) fine actors. However, I think Phoenix is still believable in the part due to the fact that he studied actor Harrison Ford's mannerisms before taking on the role, and had worked previously with him. Flannery is a good actor, but not right as Indy. C'mon, he seems way too naive for Indy, even Phoenix didn't seem that naive when he played Indy at 13!!! I just think the scoundrel quality of the part, plus some of the mannerisms, was lost in the Young Indy chronicles. I still enjoyed them, but the character didn't have that same quality that the Phoenix and Ford portrayals had. Flannery just seemed to much of a goodie-goodie in the role. That and what the hell was up with his hat? It looked more worn out and beat up than it did in the films! That always bothered me too, otherwise, it was a great show!
: -GCR
I have nothing against Flannery as an actor. I think he was mis-cast in the role. That happens. A lot. It would be like Jimmy Stewart trying to play Bogart's part in the "Maltese Falcon". Great actor, wrong part.