Posted by JuggleEwok from on December 27, 1999 at 06:29:07:
In Reply to: Re: Indy IV no longer in Spielberg's plans? posted by gary on December 24, 1999 at 09:05:21:
: The problem that I have noticed with directors that become very popular usaly forget there roots and start making artisy or point prover type movies. It seems to me that Mr Spileberg is begining to go that way. I think his movies are still good but they are loosing the fun factor and getting to serious. He must be thinking that becuse he is getting older that his movies must have a point to leave as his legasy.
Hey... isn't that how Lucas STARTED? As I recall, he made all them serious movies in college, and made THX-1138, and someone told him to come up with something less serious so he came up with SW and Indy. Maybe someone needs to say the same thing to Spielberg.