Posted by Allu from on January 11, 2000 at 07:28:05:
In Reply to: You're the coolest (I love sarcasm) posted by GCR on January 11, 2000 at 06:32:47:
: : What the hell is is with the "Indy" clothes? Someone makes the same jackets and suddenly everyone stampedes to get one? "I got my Wested", "I bought a Wested", "I thought I'd tell you about my Wested". . . SO WHAT? What the hell is it all about? A leather jacket is a leather jacket, and while I would wear Indy's one in a jungle, where nobody'd see me, I'd never do it in a city. . . What next? Wearing fedoras? Five o'clock shades? Going out with bullwhips in hands? That would probably look even weirder than those sorry characters dressed like Jedi knights who actually walk the streets in the idiotic outfits, thinking God knows what . . . that they actually look like Jedi? Or ARE Jedi? Or that someone'd take'em for Jedi? C'mon. . .
: Let me ask you this- do you ever leave your house? I do, and last time I did, I did NOT see anyone dressed up like a jedi. First off, nobody can tell that the leather jacket I wear out is modeled after the one from Raiders of the Lost Ark, well, unless they too were an Indy Fan. The WESTED jacket probably would not be given a second look by other people as leather jackets are "in style" nowadays. That actually bothers me the most- now when I where mine, people don't look at it and say "hmm, that's a nice jacket" they (most do) just think "ohh look, ANOTHER leather jacket". People in this forum have said that they would wear the jacket, just because it is a cool looking jacket (meaning that they don't care if Indy wore it or not, they would like it no matter what). As for what if people want to wear isn't always because Indy does, so people here wore fedoras long before the movies came out, but long after they "went out of style". I wear mine to work because it looks nice, goes well with shirts/ties/suits etc. and projects (IMHO) responsibility, and is reminisant of an age I am sad to have missed.
: 5 o'clock shades? So what if I don't shave unless I have to go to work? I don't do it because of Indy, I do it because it's COMFORTABLE, I'm not about to shave more than once a day, and never on the weekends. So what are you trying to say? Anyone out there growin' a scruff wants to be Indy? Yeah, okay buddy, whatever you say. As for the bullwhip...well, I must admit, any that would walk around dressed like Indy to that extent is either a fanatic, or late for a costume party. I wouldn't go that far. I mean, we don't get this stuff to dress up like Indy and go out, we get it because it is a HOBBY, we Collect Indy Gear, and a lot of the gear is practical too. So why don't you go find an "Indy Fashion Critic Forum" instead, because you aren't being too productive here (that's my polite way to say scram...this is the Indy FAN forum, and from what you said, you really don't seem like a fan to me).
: -GCR