Posted by Jack Shannon from on January 27, 2000 at 00:12:30:
In this months Star Wars Insider magazine, McCallum talks about SW and at the end He is asked if there is still plans to make Indy 4:
"Yes, down the line. George wants to finish the Star Wars films and then he will sit back and say "Yeah, I want to do Indy or this or that." The whole impetus for doing another Indy filme was that George came up with this brilliant Idea, as he does so well. You know, Last Crusade was designed to be the last film, but this idea came to George and he loved it so much that he began to seriously think about another Indiana Jones film.
Then they ask his his favorite Indy movie and he says its close between Raiders and Last Crusade, but He likes Raiders.
So there is still hope for Indy 4.
-Jack Shannon