Posted by Michaelson from on February 03, 2000 at 12:35:37:
In Reply to: Wested's Indy Jacket plus posted by Peter Botwright on February 02, 2000 at 20:01:08:
: The Indyfan Forum brought to the fans attention that I made the original jackets for Indiana Jones for which I thank you. I read the forum but rarely comment as I believe in free speech. But it appears that certain people who copy my jackets and maintain to be Official??
: supplier licensed by Lucas are attempting to mislead the true fans.
: Lets get one thing straight I made the jackets, Lucas made the film. I dont make films and Lucas does not make jackets. So any Jacket licenced by Lucas is only a copy of my jacket.I cant stop ripoff companies getting a licence to copy my jackets but YOU KNOW who made the real thing. Enough said.
: By the way yes we did make the costumes for the new STAR WARS and also the uniforms in THE MUMMY and SAVING PRIVATE RYAN and ENTRAPEMENT and 007BOND and I do have some originals.
: Sorry if I appear to be on my soapbox(English Expression)but I am proud of what I do and sometimes take offence.
: My support for the true fan is undeminished.
: Cheers Peter
We'll continue to preach the word. You keep making them, we'll keep selling/buying them and reaching out to the infidels who haven't heard the word yet. (grins) HIGH Regards. Michaelson