Posted by Thuggee Bear from on February 19, 2000 at 13:30:55:
I don't want to continue holding Lucas in a bad light, but I think we can all safely assume he's the reason behind Indy 4's non-existence. I really don't think he's set any sort of goal to make Indy 4 yet. Ford needs to come out and tell him flatly, "Before I'm 60, ok George?" In Lucas' mind, he probably considers the age issue as something he can side-step by just making Indy older in the story. The reality is, making Ford wait until 2006 is ridiculous.
Lucas' main strength has always been as an idea man, always coming up with great stories to tell. Spielberg has already said numerous times that the motivation for doing another Indy film was "this great idea George had for doing another one". I find it very hard to believe that these three can't find anyone to make a script out this "great idea". Somehow, I get the feeling that Lucas is trying to make his role in Indy 4 much bigger than on the previous films.
His refusal to even think about releasing Star Wars on DVD until he can be "intimately involved" is also troubling. Let's hope he doesn't continue this mind-set (and snail's pace) for much longer, otherwise, we might never see Ford ride as Indy again.
Hmmm...maybe Indy 4 should have Indy talking about that old religious adage- the one about not waiting until conditions are perfect before taking action?