Posted by 3k$ from on March 01, 2000 at 03:43:21:
Does anybody else feel their Wested's collar is too wide? (Raiders model) In the bar scene I estimate it to be about 1 1/4 inch at the back of the neck and mine is nearly 2 inches. I don't want a clown collar on my Wested and constantly fantasize there is someone who could do an expert job of altering it (yeah, good luck) the collar on the on the LC jaket is advertised as wider- I wonder if they put that collar on my Raiders-I'm certain it is the Raiders model. Also the collar in the StarWars Insider Jacket looks alot narrower. Also,the guy at the computer store told me not to buy this computer because the hard drive would disintegrate after two months and it appears he was right. ...whaaaa?...