Posted by Michaelson from on March 01, 2000 at 17:57:46:
In Reply to: To Everyone on this topic.... posted by Brian K. on March 01, 2000 at 16:35:22:
: Now, let me start by saying I have no interest in Indy figures, but after reading the various posts over the last few days, I can honestly say I just don't understand this. What I mean is, I understand your position, Mr. Daniels, but not your message. You allude to a flood of e-mails and website hits due to this warning. Now, I may look up the IP address you're posting from, and find out what domain you're part of, but that's immaterial. You never posted in any of the messages that I can find either your company's name, or your e-mail address at the company. Therefore, sir, I do not see how you can attribute such traffic to anyone on this forum. Additionally, I do not understand your reluctance to give out such information. Let me give you an example. If you search enough for it on the net, you'll find scans of letters various website owners received from Paramount Pictures regarding the use of Star Trek related images and materials on their sites. These cease and desist warnings were issued on Viacomm company letterhead, with a return mailing address for the law firm that issued it prominently displayed, and were signed by a member of said law firm. Anyone with an interest in this matter has no way of contacting you to obtain feedback or ask questions in any way, shape or form save this forum. I believe, sir, that you owe these people the courtesy, if not giving them your contact information, then at least the contact information of a representative that can handle the matter on yours, or the company's behalf. This is not meant as a post to assail your credibility, and, lawfully speaking, your points may be correct. I believe that these warnings deserve to be carried through in a more official fashion than has thus far transpired.
: Regards,
: Brian K.
: :
: : To All Those Concerned:
: : Many of you have dropped by the company's website, as well as the other sites affiliated with Lucasfilm, Inc. Multitudes of you have sent e-mails to myself or my office. I read and respond to all sincere e-mails. However, I will NOT respond to any immature e-mails, nor will myself or the company respond to any e-mails using profanity or making threats (yes, that includes all of you who sent threating remarks...which, by the way, we can track you and prosecute). I suggest to all of you immature people out there, take a reality check. YOU jump down my throat just because I am NICE enough to forewarn you of certain infringements which you are committing. If it was left up to me, I wouldn't even have warned you. Be thankful that in our handbook it allows a written warning to all "hobbists and individuals...not businesses" who "infringe upon registered trademarks." Mr. Lucas, among others, has been kind enough to create such a warning for you fans. DON'T ABUSE IT. We can and WILL prosecute if such warnings are not heeded. That includes the parents of you minors as well. Think twice before messing with someone out of your league. Incidently, such immature fan remarks do not strenghten your cause. You might be surprised at the attention such remarks receive (in a negative manner from some major players in the game). Have a nice day!
: : =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Mr. Christopher Daniels