Posted by Scot from S.C. from on March 02, 2000 at 00:17:11:
Just a quick question for all of you who have been to the attraction/show at Disneyworld. In the shop after the show, they sell a fedora. Now, I plan on going back this summer to Disney and was wondering if that fedora is even worth my time to buy. On my last visit, I really didn't pay it that much heed...I figured that I could come back later and check it out in detail (of course, I didn't get the chance). Now, my first question is does anyone know how it compares to all of the other fedoras out there? I feel sure that it probably ranks at the bottom, but hey, if I knew for sure I wouldn't be seeking advice. My second question concerns the last Indy novel I read, The Secret of the Sphinx by Max McCoy. Is this his last Indy novel? Has anyone heard of a new one coming out soon? Thanks again!