Posted by Ultraman Tiga from on March 07, 2000 at 04:10:05:
In Reply to: Ultraman Tiga's atitude posted by Fedora Frenzy on March 05, 2000 at 14:39:25:
: Tiga, I have to tell you that I'm bothered by your attitude towards Indy4 and Ford. To me, you don't sound like a real Indy fan, (Although you loved it that Ford did Crusade at the time), and you're not very enthusiastic about Ford's choice of films either. Now, I'm probably wrong, but could you explain your attitude? You don't sound like you even WANT to see a new Indiana Jones movie. This just irritates me, I had to get this off my chest. No hard feelings.
I take no hard feelings at all, Mr. Fedora sir. In fact, it's good that you ask a question when you're not sure where I (or anyone else) is coming from. Shorty pretty much nailed it on the head - thanks Shorty! But here is some more of my woes.
Firstly, if Indy 4 does get made, how much are we going to be able to enjoy it? The fact that the film would exist at all would already bring it under harsh criticism, especially the issue concerning Ford's age. Even if Spielberg and Lucas give us another formulaic action picture, that would only please half the fans - the one who worry least about things like "Indy's character" and such. I fall in that category, so I'd rather see a film that chucks big action pieces in favor of a story, preferrably with some of the darker shades of Raiders and Temple, as well as a film that takes an entirely new spin on it (hell, let's see a film set in the sixties)! Of course, the rest of the fans in here would tear the film apart and call it BS and all the same kinds of things that happened to "Phantom Menace" (which I LOVED, BTW).
It's not that I don't want to see Indy 4 happen, it's that I don't want to see "Just Another Indiana Jones Movie". In other words, I want something just as special as "Raiders of the Lost Ark" or "Young Indiana Jones Chronicles". Something that will get FOUR STARS, not just three, by every critic who sees it! YIJC was proof positive that if Lucas puts his imagination to it, such an event could very well happen.
If you've been in the group long enough, you know how much I belove the character of Indiana Jones, but yeah, much of my views sort of go against the grain of what is considered "norm" by the majority viewpoint. I have always been a very vocal supporter of exploring Indiana Jones as a character, wether it's a movie with Ford, a television episode with Flanery, or a novel by the late, great Martin Caidin.
Ford is a fine actor, when he wants to be. Almost everyone agrees with me on that point. BUt he's (almost) never been a GREAT (Blade Runner, Witness, and Mosquito Coast are his strongest performances) actor, and dropping out of TRAFFIC, a movie that would have clearly allowed him to be back in that powerful of a dramtic mode, is severely dissappointing. If you're going to drop out of a movie like that, do it FOR another movie like that, not "an undislosed action picture". True, maybe, JUST MAYBE that pic might be Indy 4, but what are the chances?
Anyway, hope that clears up your questions! And thanks for making me part of a Forum topic!