Posted by Indiana Shorty from on March 07, 2000 at 10:32:09:
In Reply to: God help us all! More Indy trivia! posted by graml on March 07, 2000 at 07:46:33:
: Ahoy fellow Indyfans,
: Last night's tour de trivia seems to have gone over real well, so why not try to capitalize on it? Here's a new question to those of you with PhDs in Indyology. In Last Crusade, Indy and his pursuers skitch a ride on a moving circus train. What was the name of the circus? If you think you got it right, feel free to leave another trivia question.
: -graml
The Name Of The Circus is Dunn & Duffy
....SUCH EASY QUESTIONS! must lear more obscure facts about indy!What Famous Scream Heard in Many Movies was used in all 3 indy movies?(BEN BURT used this scream in star wars 2!)