Posted by graml from on March 23, 2000 at 07:57:50:
In Reply to: What is the funniest part on Last Crusade? posted by Katrina on March 22, 2000 at 22:10:39:
: I was watching Last Crusade the other day and decided that maybe it was funnier than Temple of Doom. I especially liked the scene where Indiana Jones and his dad were tied up and they set the room on fire. Also the part where they're in the library and the librarian keeps hearing that crashing sound and inspecting the bottom of the book-stamper (or whatever it's called). Actually, I like almost the whole movie, so it's hard to pick a favorite scene.
: What are everyone else's favorite parts?
Hey. I agree. Last Crusade is funnier. Anyhow, my favorite part is where Indy is telling Vogel that Marcus Brody can speak every language, knows every obscure custom in the book and will disappear with the grail diary map. Then we cut to Marcus in Turkey, wandering around like a lost child asking if anyone speaks ancient Greek. I love that part!
PS "Water? No thank you madam, fish make love in it..."