Posted by bud-arc from on March 23, 2000 at 11:31:19:
In Reply to: Someone asked me "what other names have you been called" and Indiana Jayne wants to know if I am still called a "Cowboy" Here's a list for you posted by Reggie on March 22, 2000 at 23:51:03: sounds like you've gotten a lot of abuse from people just for wearing a cool-ass fedora in public. How terribly stupid of people! Dick Tracy and Sherlock Holmes just plain don't make sense. I guess Freddy Krueger might be more understandable (gotta love him!), but being called a fag is just plain retarded. I respect you for taking all this bull-hockey (is that a word?) and still wearing your fedora proudly. You gotta show those bastards that an Indyfan doesn't get intimidated by primitive-minded lowlives! And I still remember that pizza-incident that you told us of before, and it still gets my blood running! Isn't it sad the state of society we live in, while only a mere century ago, wearing a fedora would've been common ground? *sigh*