Posted by Kenneth. from on March 24, 2000 at 14:27:47:
In Reply to: On the contrary... posted by Michaelson on March 24, 2000 at 12:52:40:
: : a cardboard standee does not exist, but a lifeisze fiberglass replica
: : could be coming soon!?!
: ...they most certainly do exist, but were lobby standees or video store release standees that existed back in the late 1980's. The best to date was the standee that came out with Temple of Doom. There were also full size standee's made for Raiders and Last Crusade, but were pretty much based on the poster montages, where the T of D version was an almost full size Indy characterization standing with the sword in one hand and whip in the other. I have owned two of the three in the past, currently only in the possession of the full size LC version and the 15 inch tall T of D countertop offering. They pop up now and again on eBay and go for a pretty hefty price, but they're out there. Regards. Michaelson