Posted by Dr. Brody from on March 29, 2000 at 01:26:20:
In Reply to: whip holder question posted by 28 yr.old Indy on March 27, 2000 at 22:05:29:
: I have the Noel Howard raiders version whip holder. All this consists of is a 1" piece of leather, which is attached to the gun belt, with 1 snap to secure the whip in place. This does not work, especially when running or sitting down, in which case, it pops free and falls to the ground. How did Harrison keep it so tight to his side and readilly accessable to quickly use when needed? Anyone have any sollutions to this problem? I added another snap to it, but it still falls out to easilly. Please give me some ideas. Thanks!
: See the whip holder at Indygear. It has a one way snap, so there is no way it will pop open from the whip pressing against it. It's like nothing you've ever gone after before. Dr. Brody