Posted by King of the Wicker People from on March 31, 2000 at 02:55:28:
Like there an echo in this forum? It seems like just about every Tom, Dick, and Swingin' Richard've been usin' the same tired old cliche...Now I'm talkin' about this "take this with a grain of salt" nonsense. Ya know I'm not even sure what the hell it's supposed to mean. Am I supposed to eat salt after reading someone's post? All I can figger is that in the old days, like 1976, people were told to take medicine with a grain of salt or some crap. Like that makes any sense anyway. What the hell's a microscopic pin-head sized piece of salt gonna do anyway? And what in the hell does it have to do with anything people write about. "Oh, I have some bad news, but take it with a bowl of sugar." "Jimmy told me he saw a UFO, but I took it with a ham sandwich."
- If it's not Scottish, it's CRAP!