Posted by JuggleEwok from on April 01, 2000 at 12:10:26:
Well, I got a raise at work and I'm getting more hours, which means I'll actually be able to save up for a new hat (YAY!) I was going to go for the Indy Miller, but I'm having doubts after reading all those posts talking about them shrinking in rain and whatnot. Now, my last hat was the cheesy $36 Jawa Trader hat, which, while being a piece of junk in most respects, it could always stand up to inclement weather without any warping, shrinking, or any other problems. So, my question to you all is, does anybody know of a better looking, higher quality Indy hat that won't be warped or damaged by rain, snow, etc.?
P.S. And on a completely unrelated topic, does anyone know where I could get MP3's from 2001: a space odyssey? I can't even find 'em on Napster!