Posted by Sean Shaggery from on April 05, 2000 at 01:23:19:
In Reply to: Curse you, George Lucas! posted by bud-arc on April 04, 2000 at 21:32:59:
: : YEAH I GOT 2!!...oh by the gonna digitally erase jar jar and put a digital mace windu...LOL!...Mace:Youssa Thinken Wessa Gonna Die!?!?!..oh hey also the videotape CANT! be copied!...POODOO!!!!!
: I am very sorry to hear that the Phantom Menace video is COPY-PROTECTED. *Sigh* Now I'm going to have to BUY it just like everyone unfortunate. Anyway, I did rent the regular (not widescreen) version at Blockbuster today, so maybe that might make some little difference in being able to copy it...? At any rate, I should hopefully try to get the job done by later today and I'll of course post the results of this (most likely disastrous) attempt.
: "Mesa called Ja-Ja Binks! Mesa you humble servant!"
: - Bud-arc