Posted by California Mike from on April 05, 2000 at 02:27:46:
In Reply to: Re: In response to your response. posted by Indiana Joe on April 04, 2000 at 13:56:02:
: American Graffiti isn’t the only one; Radioland Murders is available, as well. Several Young Indy tapes were released _concurrently_ with the three feature films, and have are available now, but have just been out a couple of months. Further ones will come, but one can’t expect them to release 25 tapes in a series all at the same time. Think of every TV series that’s every had any substantial number of episodes - did Paramount release all the Star Trek episodes at once? No. Did Rhino release all the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes at once? No. What TV show with any appreciable number of episodes _ever_ got released all at once?
Errr...when you say something is going to be released soon, a year and a half (with no release date in sight) is not soon. Don't lie.
Oh, how could I forget radioland murders...that is almost my favorite film, after Indy I, II, and III, star wars, and my home videotape of ice melting.
: As far as secrecy regarding release dates goes, there probably _isn’t_ a secret; I’d bet it’s just because the exact date for the next release hasn’t been decided yet. You can’t expect them to give a date when they don’t know it yet, can you?
Errr...that's a load of garbage. there hasn't even been a press release saying "We're working on dvd, we have no idea when they'll be released".
Can you say "leave people in the dark so they'll buy the vhs copy, since it will be discontinued soon and they have no idea if dvd will ever come".
: By the time The Phantom Menace hits DVD, the current VHS collector’s edition will be long since unavailable. Furthermore, the DVD will almost certainly have a _lot_ more stuff on it than the VHS collector’s edition.
Yeah... sure. Hopefully Luca$ is busy editing out jar jar binks. If this is what he's doing, why not release info about it? The only reason is to boost vhs sales.
You mentioned that duel is available. That's good, I actually really like that movie. Still, why does it seem that spielberg and luca$ are in cahoots about dvd releases?
: I’m not any happier about the flood of Star Wars merchandise than you are - I think it cheapens the films to have so much junk lining the shelves of every store. I don’t know how delaying DVD releases constitutes a “marketing fiasco,” though - the release of the films to a given video format is more than a mere marketing issue, it’s a creative one. Personally, I’m glad that Lucas apparently wants to take the time to handle the DVD releases the right way from the beginning, rather than rushing them to market now and then turning out progressively more lavish, extras-laden editions every couple of years or so.
first off, let me laugh at your proposition that luca$ wouldn't enjoy turning out progressively more lavish extra laden editions every few years. Just look at toy shelves, or at the last two or three years of star wars marketing.
As for creative issues....the phantom menace fouled up its good creative decisions (the young emperor, darth maul, young obi-wan) with some of THE WORST CREATIVE DECISIONS ever made (turning the force into symbiotic bacteria, jar jar binks, mannequin skywalker's casting, jar jar binks, etc.). The whole purpose of dvd with the phantom menace is so you can skip to the chapters that are awesome.
As for the creative aspect of putting something on vhs...well, vhs looks like crap. If you don't agree then you either don't watch dvd regularly, or your dvd player sucks. I can't imagine a good argument why you should ever release something on vhs and not dvd...unless it is a marketing ploy. I can't help but think some weird undercurrent is influencing luca$'s and spielberg's decisions.