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Posted by Indiana Shorty from on April 12, 2000 at 04:53:45:

I just read this over at

SPY REPORT: Stealing IndianaJones.Com
Wed, Apr 12, 2000 03:00 AM EST

There's no denying the many attempts of hacking in the past few weeks. It's so dificult to trace and seemingly so easy to accomplish it's becoming something of a trend to be a computer hacker. From the high profile site like eBay to the lowly grunt computer in a college lab, it's getting out of hand.

The latest problem comes via a source that must go unnamed, who revealed some interesting information about the reason IndianaJones.Com and other prominant websites are not functioning at the current moment.

No the servers are not down, they're working just fine. Someone is using them (and their domains) illegally.

Usually, hitting a link to the Official Site for the Lucasfilm/Spielberg movies will bring you the latest in news and multimedia from the adventures of Indy, the popular film series starring Harrison Ford. But since last Monday, something has gone terribly wrong. Apparently, there's a major security problem with Network Solutions, and the hackers have access to redirect literally hundreds and possibly thousands of users to any page they want to, all under the domain names over which they now have full control. This website in question is just one of over 2,000 from a reported laundry list of major sites attacked, many successfully early this week.

This attacker found a hole in Network Solutions domain management software which allowed them to trick Network Solutions into believing that they own all of these domains. So now all of the servers are acting as mirrors for, and webmasters hve no way of gettng back control to their sites. As far as we an tell (and we were not able to contact Lucasfilm or Network Solutions for an official comment before running this story), there was no issues with the individual servers themselves, just that the domains no longer appear to belong to the companies who originally purchased them. We grabbed a screenshot of what was formerly known as "IndianaJones.Com" so you can see what's going on:

Here's what an insider told FILMFORCE earlier today:

Just thought I'd sent this newstip your way, but please don't post my name. Have you seen is gone?
A guy in Bosnia found out how to grab some 2,000 domains from Network Solutions and yanked their service. One of the 200 or so he sucessfully grabbed was I understand that apparently they're prosecuting to get the domain back.

To be honest, I'm surprised none of the fan sites posted anything yet. There ya have it ...

Here's what the Network solutions WHOIS page has to say:

senojanaidn 12
Beograd, Serbia 11000

Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Zone Contact, Billing Contact:
indianajones, inetn (IIB37)
senojanaidn 12
Beograd, Srbija 11000
323432431 (FAX) 323432431

Record last updated on 09-Apr-2000.
Record expires on 02-Oct-2000.
Record created on 01-Oct-1997.
Database last updated on 11-Apr-2000 03:31:18 EDT.

Domain servers in listed order:


Now apparently it's been this way since mid-Monday, and we've been able to confirm most all of the report we received. While the exact country of origin of the hacker is still in question (from the page report above it apears to be Serbia), more importantly there is a problem continuing to emerge on the Internet: security.

We're confident that Network Solutions will probably have this all corrected before noon tomorrow, but in the bigger picture, they've got to do alot more than just apply the bandaid to the headwound of the Internet.

I've got a bad feeling about this ...

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