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Posted by Cup Of Christ from spider-wa042.proxy.aol.com on April 28, 2000 at 16:47:42:
In Reply to: Wash down the Prozac with a Valium that should help! posted by Dr. Jones M.D. on April 28, 2000 at 16:41:26:
: : I've been having strange dreams these last few nights that have to do with the Indyfan Forum (roughly). I'll try to describe them as best I can (I only have bits and pieces left in my memory).
: : The first one was last week and it had to do with some kind of Indyfan convention. I had to cross the Alps (?) to get there. Don't ask me why, because I don't know. The thing is, the Alps were more like hills with snow all over and this little pathway made of stones leading over it. Anyway, I finally got through it (easy), and over the hill was this sort of like "Disneyland" place except it was all inside this futuristic spaceship thing (?). Inside there were stores and behind one of the desks was Micah (!). Now don't ask me what he looked like, because I don't remember, and don't ask me how I knew it was him, because it's just some kind of subconscious thing that I can't explain. So then I asked him if he was selling any Indy things, but he wasn't (?). So I went away. Then I found this other little room where all the Indyfans had gathered. There were a lot of guys (they weren't even dressed up as Indy) that I can't remember, but only one sticks out: a tall black dude (anyone here?). So this is where it totally turns un-Indy like. We had to climb atop this cabinet-type thing and grab these transformers (toys) that turned into swords (?). So we started sword-fighting (2 at a time). Finally, when it was my turn, I started fighting with the tall black dude and I had become like the Keanu Reeves in the Matrix, able to slow down time and see his every move coming. So I defeated him (it was all harmless, plastic toys, so we just shook hands and went off on our merry way). Anyway, this all ended after we spend some time in the cabin of our spaceship-type-thing and then we left. So some guys offered to take me home in their car, but I refused. Instead graml and I (?) chose to climb back down the Alps, in all its "adventurous" glory. So we got down, and that's where it ends...
: : My second dream just came to me last night, after my long session of 'nim'ing with graml. I guess that must've been fresh in my mind because I dreamed that we were having an adventure together. I don't exactly know why, but we were traveling all over the place, splitting up, and then joining back together, telling each other of our tales. Now I can barely remember what I pictured graml's face to be this whole time, so I can't describe it either. Anyway, somewhere along the way I became a fugitive and I started running away from all these people. I briefly recall graml and I climbing a fence to get out of trouble. Then it all gets blurry in my mind...
: : I do remember that before that, I was aware that I was sleeping and I just to verify that I really was sleeping, I ran into traffic. There, a truck almost ran me over, except it stopped and jack-knifed right in front of me, and somehow I jumped over the back of it. It was the most real dream to me, though, because I felt my heart-pounding in fear. Weird, weird stuff.
: : What the freak is all this about? What's the significance...I don't know! But anyway, you must feel pretty close to me now as I've just told you all this personal crap I've never even told a psychiatrist. What do you all make of this? Too much time on the Forum? I'm nutzo? Homophobia?; Like I've got some secret sexual love-affair for graml? (alright, I'm going to stop this rumor in its tracks right now...I'M NOT GAY!) Or maybe it's all this Prozac I've been taking...it says one of the side effects is strange dreams...and oily discharge...(uh-oh, I've said too much!). :)