Posted by Major Paul from on July 13, 1998 at 16:57:44:
In Reply to: Indy Pouch Strap posted by Tim Wilson on July 13, 1998 at 08:52:59:
: I've just obtained a Mark VII Gas Mask Bag from Sentimental Journey (aka Indiana's pouch) and wonder if anyone knows where I can get hold of a leather strap to replace the "webbed" one, as they did in the films?
: Tim
Tim, I went to an antique shop (junk store, depending on how you look at it) and found an old horse's harness. The leather was well used, dark brown to almost black, but in good condition. I fashioned a strap for the Mark VII satchel from that harness, even got the buckle in front across my chest. I picked up a riveting gun from a local arts and crafts store and attached the strap to the carrying rings on the satchel. Worked like a charm and looks pretty damn good, if I do say so my damn self. Paid $4.00 for the old harness and $7.00 for the riveting gun and a box of rivets. -MP