Posted by IndyIdol from on May 02, 2000 at 13:27:56:
Hello everyone,
I would just like to say that, from reading all of the small inconsistancies, errors, and poor screen shots, etc in these movies that everyone in the forum has found, I have a proposal for Lucas, Spielberg and Ford for Indy4.
When (not if) this movie is made, I believe that the producers should let all of us from the Indyfan forum view the next masterpiece FIRST after it was produced and before it is released. You know, for any possible conflicts of any kind. We would view it several times before the mass public and then once we decided everything was fine, release it!
I think we would do MUCH better (concerning Indy 4) than any of the error seeking individuals who work with Spielberg and/or Lucas now.
Just a thought :o)