Posted by bud-arc from on May 09, 2000 at 23:03:24:
In Reply to: Sallah's AND Marcus's metamorphasis posted by Michaelson on May 09, 2000 at 16:42:16:
: : : : : : My vote is for Marion. We probably won't see her in Indy 4 because Karen Allen didn't have kind words to say about Spielberg.
: : : : :
: : : : : I'm going with Sallah. He was pretty cool! Why, Indy 4 could be a buddy picture, with Indy and Sallah romping around the desert looking for... On second thought, I don't think that either Ford or Rhys Davies is built for excessive running and jumping anymore... Maybe the two of them will sit around in comfortable rocking chairs and just watch two younger guys stick it to the Nazis.
: : : : : -graml
: : : Seriously, the Sallah from Raiders was actually respectable. In LC he was a bumbling fool.
: : : The same with Marcus, it was like they were hit with retardedness.
: : : Did anyone else notice this?
: : Yeah. I really expected better of Marcus especially. He gave us museum types a bad reputation we're only now shedding. Although, I admit it was kind of funny when Indy told the Nazis that Marcus was so knowledgable about local customs that he could slip in unnoticed and disappear. Then we cut to Marcus, and he's wondering around like a idiot. And yeah, Raiders Sallah was much better than LC's Sallah. Perhaps he wasn't the best digger in Cairo anymore...
: : -graml
: I do recall some time back reading that they had to re-write Sallah's part somewhat for LC, as he came down sick on location and was down for almost the entire time they were supposed to shoot his scenes, therefore they had to cut his part down quite a bit. I, too, think that Marcus was treated quite shabbily in LC as compared to Raiders, but have to admit that I also laughed at the same places that everyone else did when those scenes first appeared on screen. It wasn't until later reflection of what I had seen that this opinion was formed to how they had mistreated the characterization of old Marcus. Regards. Michaelson
Yeah, it's really sad that both Sallah and Marcus changed from Raiders. At first Marcus was very knowledgable and Sallah was one step ahead of everyone. This sort of flip-flopped and left me confused. I also don't like the "chemistry" between Indy and Marcus in Last Crusade, because it seemed like he shunned Sallah a lot.
Anyway, the moment in Last Crusade that makes me wet my pants in laughter is in the end when Marcus yells "Follow me!" and you see a shot of him half off his horse in the wrong direction! Bwa ha ha!