Posted by Fall Guy from on May 25, 2000 at 14:03:48:
Watching the "Golden Mummies" (what an expected diappointment that
was!) and seeing Bill Pullman reminded me of some dreadfully bad movie
that guy did in the late 80s: 'The Serpent and the Rainbow', by sequel
meister Wes Craven. Pullman, or maybe it was Bill Paxton after all,
played some professor (!) wearing somewhat Indy-looking duds (!),
including a shoulder bag (!). He went to Haiti and got entangeled in a
web of lies, corruption and quite possibly some rather lame zombies.
All that for trying to find a potentially useful drug that caused
apparent death (I remember the evil "doctor" actually used it on him:
"Don't bury me - I'm not dead!"). I always thought Pullman, who is
given plenty opportunity to run arms flailing, attempted to give a
Harrison Ford impression in that movie. Wouln't be the first time for
him to do that... Fall Guy
PS: "Spoiler": It doesnt end all that well for Pullman's character -
or is that just an incentive to wat