Posted by Indiana Jimmie from on May 27, 2000 at 19:49:53:
In Reply to: Re: Indy 4 posted by Indiana G.J.R. on May 27, 2000 at 18:03:12:
It's actuall a shockwave cartoon os Harrison as an ancient old man, interviewd by some slacker kid for his new Indy movie...too bad you couldn't see's hilarious!!
he is a stuttering, doddering old man, who's cat is riding on his hat, and he keeps saying stuff like "gotta find my kitty! Where's my F@#Iing kitty?!?"
and then they show a bit of the new Indy "movie"...freakin' hilarious!!
You should try to go to, and download the plugin, and then go see it...description doesn't do it any justice.
Indiana Jimmie
"Who's your daddy? Where's my fu@#ing kitty?"
: : Actually it's already done. GO to (link below), click on cartoons, then click on "like news," and then click on Harrison Ford. It's an interview.
: : Dr.Jones
: What does the interveiw say? My web browser doesnt support the link. Can you guys fill me in? Thanks a lot,