Posted by Gregg from on June 06, 2000 at 15:55:23:
In Reply to: Re: Bullwhip FAQ posted by nash on June 06, 2000 at 11:12:24:
Sorry, but I disagree as would David Morgan about the use of "the wrist" in cracking. You'll break down your whip where the stock joins the thong (stiff part near butt/handle meets body of whip).
David Morgan has said,
"A strong wrist action will over-stress the keeper on a stock whip or the junction of thong to butt section on a bull whip, and will cause early failure near the butt in a shot whip. Normal use of these whips should employ very little wrist force."
Another common misconception is that the stiff part above the knot/butt is the handle. Your handle is the butt itself. You hold it to form a kind of ball and socket. You'll notice that the wrist loop in conjunction with the "ball and socket" really relax your whip-play and de-emphasize the wrist action. It's efficiency of movement; your arm technique will provide a lot more than muscling through your wrist and forearm. FAST but very relaxed and natural.
Good luck