Posted by Indiana Jimmie from on June 08, 2000 at 19:14:26:
In Reply to: INDYGEAR????? posted by Walter on June 08, 2000 at 14:09:22:
How in the world can you possibly say these things?
That site wouldn't have to be updated for a couple of months, and I would STILL be able to learn a thing or two.
I now own the most comfortable, best made boots on the planet because of that site, and, with a special tip of the fedora to Michaelson, I have a wested on order (No, that is not the collectible I hinted about in an earlier post)....
I think you owe them an apology.
Indiana Jimmie
" I didn't know you spoke my language, Dr Jones."
" Only on special occasions."
: Hello,
: I was wondering why has the indygear website not been updated in nearly a month? With about five staff members there is no exuse. Also, Why havn't the rest of the pictures of the recent competition been posted,did you think we'd all forget? All I can say is; 'what a crock that site has turned out to be.'
: Disgruntled,
: Walter Elias Masterson