Posted by Dale Dassel from on June 23, 2000 at 04:08:18:
I am just watching Raiders, and it has suddenly occurred
to me that a few things I've read on the net are wrong.
First off, I have heard it said that Indy is wearing a
grey fedora on the Pan-American flying boat at the beginning of
the film. That doesn't make any sense. Why would the prop people
all of a sudden have Harrison wear a grey fedora, amidst the
dozens of other brown ones he wore during the rest of the film?
Is that Indy's "travelling fedora"? I think not. The explanation
is as simple as this (and you Herbert Johnson owners out there
can test this). Throughout the duration of the film, we mostly
see Indy outside, in natural sunlight. Inside of the flying
boat, the light is dimmed, thus making his brown fedora appear
grey. Simple as that.
Secondly, despite what Indygear says about the flying boat
being a Short Solent, I believe they are wrong. In a book called
'Wings Over Water' I saw a flying boat which was IDENTICAL to that
seen in Raiders of the Lost Ark. The plane is called a Centaurus.
I'm not sure of the exact make (number), but the plane in Raiders
is most certainly a Centaurus.
Lastly, on a minor note, I noticed that Indy's holster,
at the beginning of Raiders has, in fact, TWO adjustment holes
on the strap, not one, as featured on the M.B.A. model. But
that is really a minor detail. The holster is identical in every
other respect, and I am extremely pleased with mine.