Hey, Junior!! (NM)

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Posted by Indiana Jimmie from 1Cust22.tnt1.portland.or.da.uu.net on June 23, 2000 at 07:16:39:

In Reply to: Hello! (I'm new here.) posted by Junior on June 23, 2000 at 04:33:01:

: Hi just thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself.
: My name is Jason Holtslander and I live in Vancouver BC Canada.
: Ever since I saw Raiders in the theatre when I was (God knows how young) I've been a big fan of Indy and Harrison Ford. I've always harboured a desire to have a complete Indy outfit and have now just recently started to piece together my outfit which I hope to have completed by Oct of this year for Halloween.
: I had planned to get the Wested Jacket and the Herbert Johnson Fedora
: but an unforseen trip to Disneyland LA in May had me leaving the park with a Disney Indy jacket and fedora which will put a delay on getting the "real deal" for financial reasons. Aside from the jacket and hat I have the MkVII Bag on order from Noel Howard, A Raiders & LC style web belts, and am being measured by a local tailer soon for the Shirt and pants from Noel Howard. The whip, whipholder, gunbelt, holster, and shoes will all fall into place eventually too.
: I've done a lot of reading on the various makes of Indy jackets,
: and for the record... My Disney jacket is unlike any of the ones described by anybody who's ever written a review or taken a picture of one. (New batch? I dunno. You tell me?) Regardless, it's fantastic looking and the nicest leather I've ever felt! Not a single complaint yet. I still hope to get a predistressed Wested though. I'll wear the Disney jacket for everyday life.
: Anyways I look forward to chatting with you folks in the future

: Junior

: "I've got a lot of fond memories of that dog."

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