Posted by Cereal Killer from on June 27, 2000 at 07:33:58:
In Reply to: OR... posted by Indiana Jimmie on June 27, 2000 at 01:36:25:
I agree that too often trailers give away too much of the movie and "Sixth Sense" is just another victim. The structure of the movie clearly is intended to keep Cole's secret from the audience just as he keeps it from Bruce Willis. The movie experience would've been much stronger if we hadn't heard Cole say "I see dead people" for months before the movie came out. It's not as big a secret as the other one (which I won't reveal here) but it still was a secret.
However, in defense of the marketers, I can't see any other way of selling this film. How many people just had to see "Sixth Sense" after the creepy trailer and seeing this scared little boy say "I see dead people." The trailer alone probably meant the addition of 50 million in box office receipts.