Posted by Dale Dassel from on July 01, 2000 at 01:07:48:
In Reply to: Re: INDY ART CONTEST...please read and respond!!! posted by Kent Allard on July 01, 2000 at 00:50:11:
YODA AS INDIANA JONES, with a humorous caption from the film printed
through WordPad above him. I still have to color it, but the drawing
is inked in already.
-Dale Dassel
: : Okay everyone,
: : Obviously, many of you seem keen on having an "Indy" art contest. I
: : think it would be a wonderful way to showcase creative work, and a
: : nice slap in the face to all those STAR WARS websites -- where fan art
: : is so dominant -- that INDY also has a presense...
: : First and foremost, though, let me consult with Micah Johnson upon his
: : return after the holiday weekend. This is his website, and if this
: : contest is to have any sense of legitimacy -- and will gain a good
: : word of mouth -- it should be through an affiliation with this, the
: : most popular Indy site around. I'll need his support and approval
: : before setting things in motion. Understand that this will require a
: : lot of work (and perhaps webspace) on his part, so let's see...
: : In the meantime, let me know what ideas you may have. And yes, I
: : think it would be great to have different categories. Here are my
: : suggestions:
: : Best illustration, painted/drawn
: : Best illustration, computer graphic (includes CGI, digital 2D & 3D
: : art)
: : Best caricature/comic scenario
: : Best model/sculpture
: : Best "budding artists" work (specifically for Indyfans under 13, and
: : also 14-18)
: : ...and a final SPECIAL AWARD for what I think would be the best
: : OVERALL (in any media).
: : The artwork should be anything Indy related: i.e., a spoof cartoon of
: : Yoda as Indy, a painted montage of characters, a 3-D digital rendering
: : of the Ark, a photo of an Indy prop replica (Indy Magnoli, you
: : there?), a portrait of Marion re-enacting the Monroe blown-up dress
: : from SEVEN YEAR ITCH, a portrait of a young Indy (or better yet, an
: : "alternative Indy" in the year 2036!)... you get the picture. The
: : only guidelines I'd set were to have it feature one of the characters,
: : scenarios, or items identified specifically with the INDIANA JONES
: : universe...including the three films, the novels and comic books, or
: : the YOUNG INDIANA JONES chroni
: Sounds good to me, may I ask about when this may take place? I hope I can get at least a week to get my supplies and get myself set before I accidentally lose, and do you know when it may end and the deadline for sending them in would be, also how do we get the drawings to you... do we mail them? And can we send in multiple drawings? I think I would like to try a LC picture or maybe a picture of ***** **** fading into ***** ****. I have many different ideas. Does it have to be about one of the movies or YIJC chronicles. Or can we just do an Indy style adventure looking painting?