Posted by Mini Indy from on July 01, 2000 at 01:30:44:
Hey everyone I'm new here!
And If you think the name is funny
well its supposed to be ;p
It's origional and its about the last one left for this message board.
I'm not a midget... err i mean "vertically challenged" person or anything, just a cool name. And i think itd be cool if Verne Troyer (or however u spell his name) could be in a movie spoof or something else as a pint sized Indy. Think of it...
If adventure has a name...and is under 3 feet tall, it's Mini Indiana Jones!.... lol. I mean the possibilities small whip,a derringer sized revolver, and yes of course hes a clone of Indiana Jones that was supposed to be Indys worst enemy could be invincible against him (with the Nazi army on his side too) could know the real Indy's every move, have the smae knowledge, etc, etc, but went wrong in one area, the size. LOL if your into Star Wars the same could be applied to it Darth Maul..... now cloned into "Mini Maul" who fights Yoda.. and i guess i'm going to far with this so better stop ;p
Well also just saying hi and hope to join in some discussions
and I'm honored to be part of this forum too
Sincerely Mini Indy