Posted by Canadiana Jones from on July 02, 2000 at 04:38:33:
This may have been beaten to death long ago by others, but it's something I've always wondered and only just now thought of to post for pondering.
In TOD Indy, Short Round, and Willie escape through the mine.
Mola Ram floods the tunnel in an attempt to drown them.
Our heros narrowly escape the torrent of water but the funny thing is...
Just a few minutes earlier as they were in the mine car, we see the layout of the tunnels that the water would travel down.
We also see a huge canyon filled with molten lava far below.
My question is... Given the amount of water we saw released,
How come Indy and co. even saw a drop of it? All the water should have
poured down into the lava chasm. If anything it should have been steam shooting out of the cave exit behind them.
Canadiana Jones