Re: Why Indy 4 will be a huge mistake!!!! Please Read

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Posted by Indiana Valdez from on July 04, 2000 at 13:22:25:

In Reply to: Re: Why Indy 4 will be a huge mistake!!!! Please Read posted by Hannibal King on July 04, 2000 at 12:16:41:

: I beg to differ - sorry but I do,

: Here's why.

: : 1. No Denholm Elliot, no Marcus. If they try recasting him it will just be so stupid, no one can replace Marcus.

: Temple of Doom didn't have Marcus and wasn't deterimental because of it. The movies are about Indy - not his supporting cast. I'd prefer to see all new characters for Indy IV - no-more Sallah, no more Marion, no more Henry. I loved these characters but it should be broadened out.

: : 2. Harrison Ford is probably too old. Now personaly I love Ford and I think that he is not too old but the younger generation will think this and the movie will do horrible.

: Indiana Jones has such a mythic name and history people will go to see a new movie. John Wayne continued making broad action movies until he was in his sixties, Connery is doing the same and remaining a box office draw.

: : 3. If Indy has a son, it will be bad because most likely it will be a new yound star, like Leo Dicapro, Will Smith or some other young person.

: I agree here to an extent, but I don't know how far up the agenda a son for Indy'd be.

: : 4. Most likley it will take place in the 40s or 50s which would be retarded because he cant fight Nazis which are the ultimate form of evil.

: Nazi's are old hat! Spielberg will never use comic book Nazi's again as stated in an interview after Schindlers list. The villain's politics ain't important. They are cyphers for Indy to battle. None of the chief protaganists in the trilogy were actually Nazi's. They were people who'd allied themselves with what they saw as the winning team.

: : 5. They probably will also use new computer graphics which is not Indy and the graphics should be bad because they are only B movies as Spielberg said.

: I totally agree with this. CGI if overused is a bad thing to happen to cinema as it turns movies into video games. The Phatom Menace had sequences where none of the characters were really there - take for instance the sequence with the gungans and the battle droids. It was very antiseptic. However, as an art it's improving but I'd hate to see too much CGI in Indy IV

: : 6. Merchandising will be horrible. Most likely there will be new Indy toys but they wont be Indy but old Indy. Everything will be Indy 4, buy gray haired Indy action figure, I dont like it.

: Before Phantom Menace - Hasbro (?) released a plethora of Classic Star Wars character figures. Any tie in toys will cover the gamut of Jones. But shit toys have nothing to do with the films. I'd like some nice merchandising but I want a film more!

: : 7. The Indy trilogy IS perfect and you can neither add to it or take away from it.

: A fourth film will not affect the first three. I don't agree that it was a trilogy. Star Wars and Back to the Future have trilogies because the films form a huge storyline. Indy's films don't. I've always seen the Indy films as a series rather than a trilogy. A series that happens to be at number 3.

: : 8. I think they will try to make it attractive to younger people so I see a woman costar a lot hotter. But that is so unrealistic.

: I'd like to see someone closer to Harrison Ford's age too - someone like Michelle Pfieffer or Rene Russo. However, depending on how they handle it a younger female lead isn't out of the question - it's a matter of writing.

: It's acceptable to think that Indy could be towing a younger female around against his will and she is totally besotted with him.

: : 9. The movie wont fit in with the others, they are 80s movies
: and trying to make an 80s type movie in 2000 (or 2005 or however long it will take them) is just stupid.

: They are period movies - the Rambo movies are eigties movies, the first Indy films do not blatantly reflect any of the feelings, politics or issues of the eighties.

: : 10. Half of the cast and crew of the first Indy movies are either dead or in the nursing home!

: What's up with this statement. Most of the major players are still contributing to movies and or television regularily. Besides it's a new film with new technicians. Remaking Raiders wouldn't work but it's a whole new ballgame with Indy IV.

: : 11. I love Indy but I so scared that this could somehow change Indy and CHANGE IS BAD!!! So I say put the first three back in theaters if they're looking for more money or fans because those movies are the BEST!!!!

: I love Indy too and enough people do that it'd be artistic suicide to change Indy too much and I don't think they'll do it. However they can change other elements and that would be good. In my opinion anyway

: Seeya Hannibal

Well put! Sure everybody may naturally have a few doubts or concerns about a negative reaction with Indy 4, but I believe George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford, and all the other major players involved with the other Indy movies have put too much effort and dedication into them to see a fourth crumble. Personally, I'm not worried at all.

"Trust me."

-Indiana Valdez

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